First Bauxite Corp (TSX.V: FBX) Management Interview

First Bauxite Corp
Yannis Tsitos, President
First Bauxite Corporation is a Canadian natural resources company engaged in the exploration and development of bauxite deposits, through resource discovery and mining within a niche industrial market. The company has its head-office in Vancouver and its current assets in Guyana, South America and is managed by experienced geoscientists and business development professionals with worldwide experience in the exploration and mining business across a number of mineral commodities. The mission of First Bauxite is to become a near term, medium size producer and supplier of high quality refractory grade calcined bauxite. First Bauxite controls a large land package in Guyana’s historical coastal bauxite belt, including the Bonasika Mining Licence and the Waratilla Prospecting License, covering deposits which were drilled in 1940’s-60’s by ALCAN and which host near surface deposits of refractory grade bauxite. First Bauxite has additional upside potential to the metallurgical bauxite business, through an option agreement with Rio Tinto Alcan, whereby Rio can earn up to 75% interest in the Company’s exploration ground by expending up to US$58 million in stages.

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