Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO), cash-rich; move into cloud/server market are upside catalysts from $16 price

Valuecruncher writes:

Cisco Systems (CSCO) has traditionally been a designer, manufacturer and seller of network and communications technology and services. Two weeks ago the company announced a significant shift in strategy by beginning to compete with Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) in the broader server market. A week earlier CSCO had announced a deeper move into the consumer electronics business with the acquisition of Pure Digital. Very interesting times for CSCO. We decided to have a look at some numbers for CSCO to estimate an intrinsic valuation for the shares. (See Valuecruncher Interactive Analyst Report For CSCO).

Valuecruncher produces a valuation of US$20.39 for CSCO. This is a current valuation (an estimate of intrinsic value using a discounted cash flow model) not a target price. This valuation is 20.3% above the current share price of US$16.95.

Another analysis of the cloud computing story


* Revenue: Reuters aggregates 27 analysts covering CSCO and the mean estimates of 2009 and 2010 revenues are US$35.9 billion and US$34.8 billion respectively. For our analysis we have used US$36.0 billion in 2009, US$35.0 billion in 2010 and US$40.0 billion in 2011.
* Profitability: We have used an EBITDA margin of 28.0% in 2009 dropping to 26.5% in 2010 then rising back to 28% in 2011. Reuters has CSCO‘s EBITD margin at 27.1% last year and an average of 30.6% over the last five-years.
* Capital Expenditure: We have assumed capital expenditures of US$1.15 billion in 2009, US$1.05 billion in 2010 then US$1.35 billion per annum moving forward.
* Discount Rate: 10.5%.
* Terminal Growth Rate: 4.0%. In our assumptions we have 2010/11 revenue growth at 14.3% – we have assumed that growth eventually slows to a 3.0% long-term stable growth rate.

Our analysis incorporates the cash and debt on the CSCO balance sheet – Valuecruncher calculates a net debt number.

Play with our assumptions – what does your analysis say? Our model is interactive – you can change any of our assumptions.

Another take on CLOUD COMPUTING is here

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