Delta Uranium (TSX: DUR) CEO Interview

Delta Uranium
Wayne Isaacs, CEO
Delta Uranium Inc. is a junior exploration company engaged in the acquisition, evaluation and exploration of uranium mineral properties in northeastern and northwestern Ontario and Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The Company has acquired 100% interest in 330 claims in Northwestern Ontario comprising over 70,000 hectares; 100% interest in 277 claims in Northeastern Ontario comprising over 66,000 hectares, and 60% interest in 34 claims in the Deer Lake Basin in western Newfoundland comprising over 85,000 hectares. The Company also has an option to earn an undivided 60% interest in certain patented and leased mineral claims in the province of Ontario. The Kenora Project consists of 278 claims consisting of 3,563 claim units and covering 57,008 hectares. The Surluga Property covers 2,345 hectares (172 claims). Of the 42 known occurrences in the Kenora Project area, the uranium occurrences include the Richard Lake Mine, (New Campbell Mines), and the Hawk Lake, Bee Lake and Peturson Lake.

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