St. Elias Mines (TSX.V: SLI) CEO Interview

St. Elias Mines
Lori McClenahan, CEO
St. Elias Mines Ltd. is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of natural resource properties. As of May 31, 2009, the Company owns, or has acquired an option to earn an interest in, properties located in Peru and British Columbia. The Company’s projects include Tesoro Gold Project, Vilcoro Gold Property, Cueva Blanca Property, Jales/Gralheira Gold Property, Kettle River (Carmi) Molybdenum Property, South Rim Property and Beaverdell Gold/Silver Property. The Tesoro Gold Project is situated in a highland desert plateau in south-western Peru. The Company owns a 100% interest in the Cueva Blanca Property, covering approximately 1,200 hectares, located in the Lambayeque Department in northern Peru. The South Rim project area is located in central British Columbia approximately 130 kilometers south of Houston. Beaverdell Gold/silver Property is located in the Greenwood Mining Division of British Columbia.

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