Total Energy Services (TSX: TOT) CEO Interview

Total Energy Services
Daniel Halyk, CEO
Total Energy Services Inc. is a Canadian energy services income trust. Through its wholly owned subsidiaries, the Trust is involved in two core business sectors: drilling services and production services. Drilling services consist of contract drilling and the rental and transportation of surface equipment used in the drilling and production of oil and natural gas wells. Production services consist of the fabrication, sale, rental and servicing of new and used natural gas compression equipment. The operations of Total Energy are conducted entirely within the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. The Trust has targeted the sub-4000 meter market in western Canada and operates a fleet of 13 rigs. Total Energy owns and operates approximately 4,500 pieces of rental equipment, as well as a fleet of 72 heavy trucks. The Trust has targeted the sub-2000 horsepower gas compression market in western Canada.

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