Maudore Minerals (TSX: MAO) CEO Interview

Maudore Minerals
Ronald Shorr, CEO
Maudore Minerals Ltd. owns 100% of the Comtois Gold Project and is focused on developing the resource. The Comtois has a NI 43-101 compliant resource report providing 524,000 ounces (uncut) – 808,000 tons at a grade of 20.2 grams per ton. The Company’s land position properties (Comtois, Mazarin-Glandelet, Sleeping-Giant South-East, Fonteneau-Themines, Bernetz, Pakodji, Bell and Sadie) is distributed along a 85 kilometer East-West trend from Comtois to the Sleeping Giant gold mine (Iamgold/Cadiscor).

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