Trelawney Mining (TSX.V: TRR) CEO Interview

Trelawney Mining
Greg Gibson, CEO


Trelawney Mining and Exploration Inc., formerly Trelawney Resources Inc., is engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties with a primary interest in gold. The Company is focusing its exploration efforts in the Wawa area of central Ontario. The Massey Property comprises 37 claim units totalling 832 hectares in Salter Township, Sudbury Mining division and contains the former producing Hermina #1 and #3 mines, as well as the Gutcher shaft and the adit zone of the Massey mine. The Mishibishu Lake Property consists of four claim blocks totaling, 328 claim units (13,000 acres) in the Mishibishu greenstone belt in the Wawa area, Sault Ste. Marie Mining division in central Ontario. Murgor-Mishibishu Lake Property consists of 114 mining claim units covering 4,520 acres. Metalcorp-Dorset Property consists of five mineral claims comprising 18 claim units.

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