ICOP Digital, Inc. (NASDAQ:ICOP) CEO Interview

ICOP Digital, Inc.
CEO:David Owen


Headquartered in Lenexa, Kansas, ICOP Digital, Inc. (NASDAQ: ICOP) is a leading provider of mobile video solutions for Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS, Military, and Transportation markets, worldwide. ICOP solutions help the public and private sectors improve security, reduce losses, and mitigate risks through the capture, live streaming and secure management of high quality video and audio.

The Company’s solutions for the public and private sectors are community-centric in design, with a focus on interoperability and public safety. Since the launch of our flagship product the ICOP Model 20/20® and its successor, the ICOP Model 20/20®-W, ICOP continues to pioneer sophisticated security solutions capable of materially advancing the security of communities. ICOP has expanded its scope and presence across markets utilizing a network of direct and indirect sales organizations, and key strategic partners. Recent product additions include the ICOP 20/20 VISION™ for law enforcement and the ICOP Model 4000™ for school buses and transit.

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