Inergetics Inc. (OTCBB: NRTI) CEO Interview

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Inergetics Inc.
CEO: Mark Mirken


Inergetics is a leading developer of patented nutritional products comprised of proprietary formulations and the highest quality ingredients. We use the most advanced science to to create superior nutritional supplements that empower consumers, athletes, senior citizens, and cancer patients to increase their health, performance, and quality of life.

Inergetics is leading the way in nutritional excellence with targeted brands that independently serve the Clinical Oncology, Long Term Care, and Sports Nutrition Markets.

Whether it is a child regaining the muscle mass necessary to receive radiation treatment, a senior citizen that would like to retain their strength and health, or an athlete seeking to enhance their performance by optimizing recovery time, Inergetics’ Resurgex ™ and Surgex™ products are greatly improving the health and lives of all who take them.

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