Xylitol Canada to Expedite Pathway to First Commercial-Scale Plant

BusinessWire · Jun. 21, 2011 | Last Updated: Jun. 21, 2011 9:01 AM ET

Xylitol Canada Inc (TSX Venture Exchange Symbol: XYL), a reseller and distributor of xylitol and xylitol products announced that they will leap frog the initial plan for a pilot plant and go directly to commercial-scale plant operations. Following its first year as a publicly-traded company on the TSX Venture Exchange, Xylitol Canada is on its way towards becoming a licensed manufacturer of xylitol.

Xylitol is an all-natural, plant-based sweetener that looks and tastes like sugar. Xylitol occurs naturally in most fruits and vegetables and, once extracted and processed, it becomes a white, crystalline granule that can be substituted in any recipe that calls for sugar. Studies have shown that xylitol stabilizes insulin and hormone levels and does not harm teeth like table sugar. It contains only 2.4 calories per gram, approximately 2 calories per gram less than sugar.

Working with Mascoma Corporation, an innovative biofuels company, Xylitol Canada (XC) is in discussions to co-locate a commercial-scale xylose plant adjacent to one of Mascoma’s first commercial cellulosic ethanol plants. The two companies will work together to create a facility with comprehensive capabilities for converting non-food cellulose (wood chips) into ethanol and high value co-products such as xylitol. Due to the existence of Mascoma’s Rome, NY pilot plant, Xylitol Canada no longer needs to prove feedstock viability, allowing the focus to be on establishment of its own first commercial-scale plant.

“This is a very exciting time for Xylitol Canada as we strengthen our collaboration with a global leader like Mascoma,” said Andrew Reid, CEO and Founder, Xylitol Canada. “The partnership between these two innovative businesses continues to move the XC time line towards the commissioning of a full scale xylose plant. Mascoma’s proprietary approach for producing cellulosic ethanol is the perfect complement for the manufacturing of xylitol, as the process produces a co-product which is the exact feedstock that we need.”

Xylitol Canada, Inc. emerged in 2004 as a reseller and distributor of xylitol and xylitol-containing products with plans to build a commercial-scale production facility. As the company has grown, they have developed additional brands under the names Sweet Diabetic Delight and Xylitol Canada. The company formally went public in April, 2010.

About Xylitol Canada

Xylitol Canada, Inc. based in Toronto, Ontario, emerged in 2004 as a reseller and distributor of Xylitol and Xylitol products. The company formally went public in April 2010. Xylitol Canada plans to ultimately produce at commercial levels for its own uses and for resale to other large manufacturers of naturally sugar free products throughout the world.


Xylitol Canada
Kara Doran, 617-391-9646

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