Mill Bay finds mercury soil-gas at AC claims, Nevada

Mill Bay Ventures Inc. has recently completed a controlled source audio magneto-telluric (CSAMT) geophysical survey and a follow-up mercury soil-gas survey over a one-kilometre by one-kilometre (0.6-mile by 0.6-mile) area located in the west portion of the AC claims, located south of Battle Mountain, Nevada, United States. CSAMT is a geophysical technique that provides deep geologic information based on lateral and vertical resistivity contrasts. Results from CSAMT survey lines covering a one km by one km area indicate a major north-south structural zone, first defined by gravity, is well resolved by the CSAMT and revealed to consist of approximately four major structures.

Analysis of mercury vapour in soil-gas is one of the best pathfinders for blind or buried orebodies, and it is often possible to vector the direction of an ore zone. Mercury is used as a pathfinder for buried metallic orebodies because it develops primary aureoles, and in later stages by supergene processes, generating secondary halos in the host rocks. The shape and size of mercury soil-gas halos, developed above the orebody to a distance of as much as 1,000 metres (3,280 yards), depend on the mobility of halo-forming elements and geologic factors such as faults, fractures and the permeability of the enclosing rocks. The detection of mercury in soil-gas provides an exploration technique in areas where the deposit is covered by non-mineralized rocks.

Soil samples were collected on 20-metre (65.6-foot) centres along four lines in an area of previous geophysical survey work, by Shea Clark Smith (mineral exploration and environmental geochemistry, consultant, Reno, Nev.). Deep structures with a north-south orientation had been detected using CSAMT. Survey work commenced in July, 2011. A total of 180 samples were taken for Mill Bay Ventures near the three original CSAMT lines, with one additional line approximately 600 feet (183 metres) farther south. All lines were oriented east-west. The samples were prepared and analyzed for mercury at Meg Labs, Carson City, Nev., using a proprietary soil gas method (GAS’m). Two species of mercury are evolved. Highly mobile mercury (from low thermal desorption temperatures) indicates deep sources while less mobile mercury (from higher desorption temperatures) indicates shallow sources. Deep mineralization is indicated when geochemical profiles of these two mercury species are compared. The most prominent soil gas anomaly (target B, C and D, vertical and west dipping), appears to be independent of CSAMT features. It is a 60 m to 100 m wide zone with an apparent strike length of 700 metres and oriented north-northeast.

Target A (west-dipping) is a broad zone that extends from the highway to the west, with an apparent west dip. This soil gas anomaly lies directly south of a CSAMT feature and may have some relationship to a deep-seated structure as indicated by the CSAMT results. Another anomaly (target E, east-dipping) is located in the northwest corner of the survey area and appears to be related to a one km long north-south-oriented CSAMT anomaly. Other soil gas anomalies are narrow and are not likely to be productive. Target A is the shallowest target, based on gravity, and closest to what may be an intersection of CSAMT structures with the Caetano break. Deep sourced mercury creates a broad zone, dipping to the west from a leaky structure. Targets B, C and D delineate a through-going structural system with a strike length of 700 metres, and a variable width of 60 to 100 metres. Structures that are bringing mercury to the surface are relatively tight at B, broaden to 60 metres at C and open into the adjacent claim block at D. These anomalies are generated from increasingly deep mineralized bedrock. Target E appears to be on a CSAMT structure. This anomaly is isolated at the far west end of line D, yet has relatively robust mercury leakage, as revealed in the low-thermal data. Depth to mineralized bedrock must be very deep as suggested by gravity data and block faulting from the CSAMT data.

The AC claims are located five miles (8.3 kilometres) southeast of Cove, 21 miles (34.9 kilometres) west-northwest of Pipeline and 26 miles (43.2 kilometres) northwest of Cortez gold deposits in Nevada. Further work is planned on these deep gold drill targets outlined by CSAMT and mercury soil-gas surveys on the AC claims.

The contents of this news release have been reviewed by Andris Kikauka, PGeo, a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101.

AC project data, including a power-point presentation, gravity and CSAMT reports, can be viewed on the Mill Bay website.

We seek Safe Harbor.

For further information please contact Darryl Glasier at e-mail:

William Glasier, President
Mill Bay Ventures Inc. (MBV.TSX)
(250) 743-4035

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