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In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference

The presidential news conference, a time-honored tradition going back generations, appears to be no longer. More than a year has passed since President Donald Trump held the only solo news conference of his administration — a rollicking, hastily arranged, 77-minute free-for-all during which he railed against the media, defended his fired national security adviser and insisted nobody who advised his campaign had had contacts with Russia. Instead, the president engages the press in more informal settings that aides say offer reporters far more access, more often, than past administrations. …read more […]

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Microsoft Ventures gives itself a new name as it reintroduces itself to enterprise startups — here's how it landed on 'M12' (MSFT)

The reason for the change: There was some confusion between a previous iteration of Microsoft Ventures and the current one. Microsoft sought a new name to make a clean break between old and new. From this day forth, Microsoft Ventures — the two-year-old venture capital arm of the $710 billion tech titan — will be known by the much shorter name of M12. …read more […]

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China’s Baidu to sell majority of financial services unit for $1.9 billion

The investment will give Baidu the heft it needs to narrow the lead that rivals Alibaba Group Holding Ltd and Tencent Holdings Ltd have taken in financial services, and help Baidu’s push to seek revenue streams outside its core internet search business. The deal comes at a time when China’s government is tightening regulations on the loans market to rein in shadow banking and push banks to cut bad debt. …read more […]