What Are the Implications of Gilead’s Increased Focus on Oncology? 5-Star Analyst Weights In

Gilead Sciences (GILD) isn’t a one-trick pony. While the news coverage has largely fixated on its potential COVID-19 treatment, remdesivir, the large-cap has an increasingly diverse pipeline.In addition to the headline grabbing remdesivir, Gilead is the biggest player in the HIV space, manufacturing what could become the best-selling HIV drug ever, Biktarvy.Having said that, Gilead has been expanding, and through a series of M&As, building an increasingly strong oncology portfolio. Following the addition of Kite in 2018 and the more recent acquisition of cancer-focused biotech Forty Seven, Gilead has just inked a deal with immuno-oncology player Arcus Biosciences. They have …read more

Source:: Yahoo Finance


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