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What is a 30-Year Treasury?

Most investors with a forward-thinking mindset plan to hold their investments for decades. Yet, they balk at the idea of a 30-year commitment like U.S. treasuries. What is a 30-year treasury and why does it cause investors to quibble? Well, aside from the decades-long commitment they demand, there are some nuances that make them a tricky investment to work with.
Here’s a look at 30-year treasuries, how they work and the role they play in long-term investing. Be warned: they’re not for everyone. Those who do decide to invest in 30-year bonds need to understand the risks and rewards that …read more […]

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Trading Ideas

3 Penny Stock ETFs to Watch in 2021

Penny stock ETFs can be a great way to diversify your portfolio. Penny stocks are loved and hated by investors across the board. But there’s no denying their potential in the market.

Keep in mind, many of the biggest companies today were once penny stocks. At one point, Amazon (Nasdaq: AMZN) and Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) were penny stocks. Imagine if you had invested when they were!
Some of the market’s future leaders are hiding among penny stocks. And it’s often easier for a small company to grow than larger companies. The microcap sector has historically outperformed the overall market.
You can potentially score …read more […]