Douglas Dynamics (NYSE:PLOW) CEO Interview


Douglas Dynamics
CEO: James Janik


With roots dating back to 1948 and 1950, Fisher Engineering and Western Products are the truck-mounted snowplow pioneers. Through several generations we’ve become the industry’s two premier brands — with well-deserved reputations for quality, dependability and outstanding customer service among our professional snow plower customer base.

A relative newcomer, Blizzard burst onto the scene a decade ago with product innovations that established new standards for snowplowing productivity and versatility. Together these three brands form Douglas Dynamics, the leading producer of snow and ice control equipment.

Although each of our brands maintain its own distinct product characteristics, “best practices” developed jointly or individually at our modern manufacturing and parts warehousing and shipping facilities in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Rockland, Maine, are exchanged and implemented company-wide.

From the very top levels of management on down, the entire Douglas Dynamics organization is absolutely dedicated to providing our dealers and their customers with the highest possible levels of product quality, customer service and product support.

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