As Goes Intel, So Goes America?

The Fly @ writes:

The bears will be eating kibbles and bits soon; because there is nothing left for them to cling onto. All of their theories of a shattered economy have been thoroughly debunked by Intel Corporation (INTC: 17.97 +6.77%) . Case in point: RIDICULOUS margin expansion at Intel. Those chip gobblers did not beat estimates. No, it was a lot more than that. The nerds at Intel GODSMACKED estimates, particularly on the margin side, coming in at 51% (estimates were 46%). As you know, I’ve been bullish on chips, due to the huge spike in capacity utilization at the foundries. Now that the margins are exploding at INTC, I have to get bullish on the end user, specifically retail.

More on that later.

The way to play this is simple. Get long tech names that are sensitive to the end user, such as Corning Incorporated (GLW: 15.90 +3.18%) , OmniVision Technologies, Inc. (OVTI: 12.0699 +2.90%) and Atmel Corporation (ATML: 4.09 +4.60%) . Additionally, I am still very bullish on the 4g/smartphone space. Take a look at ADTRAN, Inc. (ADTN: 21.95 +0.97%) , major supplier to the At&t network (think iPhone). ADTN just smashed numbers too.

So, in closing, how’s that head and shoulders formation looking now? You ball jugglers have no idea what you are talking about, 90% of the time. Hence, it is no surprise to see you default to oddball technical analysis theories, making believe you have a clue what you are doing.

Good day to you, Sir.

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