Clean Coal Technologies (OTC: CCTC) “Game Changer” technology for the $50 billion coal market?

Robin Eves, CEO




Robin Eves, CEO
Aiden Neary, COO & CFO







Clean Coal Technologies (OTC: CCTC) Interview with CEO Robin Eves, and COO Aiden Neary discussing progress in commercializing the company’s “game changer” disruptive technology for the global coal market (estimated at $50 billion).

The management team explains how CCTC’s technology enables coal miners and users to “upgrade” the quality and utility of their coal, essentially being able to produce better coal for half the market price. In addition, they explain how the 2nd generation of CCTC’s technology enables the production of valuable by-products from coal, including rare earth minerals, which further increases the value proposition. 

Additional topics discussed include: updates on progress for licensing deals in India, Indonesia, and the US, and objectives for 2019.

(This interview is an update to our original October 17,  2018 interview, linked below.)

January 17, 2019 Interview:


October 17, 2018 CEO Interview with Robin Eves

Investor Presentation Deck

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