Value Investing Opportunities (Prospect List Here)

The list of companies trading below their net current asset value continues to rise to levels we have not seen since the tech bubble burst. As of last count there were:
433 companies with market caps greater than $5 million trading below their NCAV, including:
58 above $100 million
24 above $200 million

The difference between what we are seeing now and post tech bubble, is that today’s net/nets are of much higher quality then what we saw in the early 2000’s. There are dozens of profitable companies, many are loaded with cash on a relative basis, and more than we’ve ever seen trading below 2/3 of NCAV. In the coming weeks, we’ll reveal some of the more interesting names in various categories, starting with:

Top 5 Profitable Net/Nets by market Cap

Tech Data
Ticker: TECD
P/E: 7
Market Cap: $816
NCAV: $1.415 billion
Mkt Cap/NCAV: .58
Price: $16.29
Cash/Share: $7.7

Signet Jewelers
Ticker: SIG
P/E: 4
Market Cap: $641
NCAV: $977
Mkt Cap/NCAV: .66
Price: $7.51
Cash/Share: $.4

OM Group
Ticker: OM
P/E: 3
Market Cap: $450
NCAV: $492
Mkt Cap/NCAV: .91
Price: $14.78
Cash/Share: $8.11

K-Swiss Inc
Ticker: KSWS
P/E: 10
Market Cap: $335
NCAV: $353
Mkt Cap/NCAV: .93
Price: $9.57
Cash/Share: $8.4

Ticker: SKX
P/E: 5
Market Cap: $277
NCAV: $303
Mkt Cap/NCAV: .91
Price: $5.98
Cash/Share: $2.5

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